Nikita Gaurav
Nikita is a senior biomedical engineer and early-stage investor with expertise in biotechnology, medical devices, digital health, materials science, and lean manufacturing. She invests for impact venture capital fund, Necessary Ventures (, and advises for 2 medtech accelerators (CTIP and Medtech Innovator).
Share your journey with us - how did you get to where you are today?
“My trials and tribulations have always made me stronger and I feel extremely fortunate for another chance at life. I feel like it’s important to be completely transparent in life, no matter who it is. I think hiding the struggles doesn't allow us to relate to one another and be vulnerable. That’s what allows us to build connections with one another. I have tried to get sober since I was 22 years old. Today I am 30 years old, going on 31 next month. I have stood up and failed many times, but I have also succeeded and have also become the woman I have aspired to be today. Sunday marked 18 months sober for me in my sobriety. A whole year and a half.
If you would’ve told me two years ago, that I would be sober, a licensed real estate agent who just closed on their first house, living in my dream apartment in West Hollywood, working out 6 days a week, debt free and loving myself a little more every day, I would've told you that you were insane. I would have told you that I did not deserve any of this and that I would never be somewhat happy with Jaz today.”
Describe a moment in your journey where someone's support in you accelerated your goals?
“One of my best friends went through similar struggles as me, and became a real estate agent. She inspired me so much watching her life blossom. She gave me her real estate books for free for this online real estate course she took, and I signed up immediately after. Her support really helped me accelerate in achieving this goal of mine.”
How would you like to see networks for ambitious women change?
“I would love to see more women supporting one another. I find that there can be this envy when it comes to watching others succeed, while you are behind or feel like you are behind in life. Once I learned that the key was to support others during their successes and when I became genuinely happy for others, I found that is when I started reaching more success. Your genuine happiness for others and supporting others through their struggles, creates this positive domino effect.”
“Strong friendships and a supportive community are essential for accelerating success and self-growth. When we surround ourselves with like-minded people, we become more inclined to take risks, remain disciplined, chase after our goals faster, and retain accountability for our actions. We also benefit from the collective experience of those around us, learning from their successes and mistakes.”